The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Your Tap Water Quality

The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Your Tap Water Quality

Robin Collins |

Nowadays, Industrial pollution is one of the biggest risks to our water quality. This is especially true in the United States since it is the financial hub of the entire region. Each year, factories and industries release millions of tons of waste into rivers, lakes, and other water sources.

These harmful pollutants do not just stay in the water but also find their own way into our homes through taps. This means that the water we usually trust for drinking and cooking might not be as safe for us as we think.

In this blog post, we are going to take a close on the impacts of industrial pollution on the water quality of common consumers.

Also, read our blog post about Is US Tap Water is Safe to Drink

Negative Impacts of Industrial Pollution on Water Quality

Below are some of the possible negative impacts of industrial pollution on water quality.

1. Chemical Contamination:

Industries such as chemical factories, textile plants, and mining operations discharge a wide range of harmful substances into nearby water sources. These harmful substances include heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic as well as toxic chemicals such as pesticides and many petroleum-based products.

When these harmful contaminants enter your home tap water, then they can cause severe health issues. For example, long-term exposure to lead can seriously damage the brain cells and nervous system, specifically in children.

On the other hand, long-term exposure to mercury can cause kidney issues and neurological disorders.

Moreover, even a small amount of these harmful chemicals in drinking water can have serious long-term harmful effects.

2. Microbiological Contaminations:

Every day, many chemical industries discharge untreated waste that contaminates water with harmful micro-organisms. Bacteria such as E-Coli and Salmonella or parasites such as giardia may flourish in polluted water.

Drinking contaminated water with these harmful pathogens can lead to serious diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and many other stomach infections.

3. Changes in Water Composition:

Industrial activities also disturb the natural balance of minerals and nutrients in tap water. For example, wastewater from chemical industries can increase the level of both nitrates and phosphates, leading to serious problems such as algae blooms.

These blooms decrease oxygen levels in the water and make the water less suitable for drinking.

When this contaminated water travels through your home taps, it could cause staining in kitchen sinks or an added taste and smell, which is a sign that something is completely wrong. However, several pollutants are odorless and tasteless, making them even more dangerous.

So, these are some of the major negative impacts that industries usually have on water quality.

Possible Steps that you can take to make Your Tap Water Safe

The good news is that while industrial pollution poses a serious challenge, fortunately, there are some ways you can make sure that your home tap water is safe to drink and use. Below are some possible steps that you should take to make your tap water safe:

1. Install Water Filtration System:

One of the simplest and easiest ways to make your tap water safe to drink is to install a water filtration system in your home. There are many water filters available, including:

· Reverse Osmosis: RO systems are highly effective at removing heavy metals, nitrates, and other harmful pollutants from tap water.



· Undersink Filters: These water filters are compact in size and also effective at removing chlorine, sediments, and other organic contaminants from water.

· Countertop Filters: These also come in handy in treating contaminated water. Countertop filters remove several contaminants like lead, mercury, and more. 



Select the best water filtration system that best suits your budget and fixes the specific contaminants in your area.

2. Regularly test your Tap Water:

Plenty of individuals do not know what is inside their tap water until it is too late. Regular water testing can help you better understand what substances are present in their tap water.

Moreover, you can also buy home water testing kits from the market and simply hire an expert for a detailed water analysis. Look for common contaminants such as lead, arsenic, and bacteria.

3. Avoid Using Harmful Cleaning Products:

In general, the detergents and chemicals you use at home for cleaning purposes can also impact the tap water quality.

Avoid using harmful cleaning products that may normally contain phosphates and other harmful substances. You should choose eco-friendly and biodegradable options that are safer for the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does industrial pollution affect tap water?

When industries release waste water into rivers and lakes, then these harmful pollutants can enter the home water supply. This means that the water we drink, cook with, and use for bathing can become contaminated, making it dangerous for overall health.

What are the common pollutants found in tap water?

Generally, common pollutants found in our tap water are heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic) and chemicals such as pesticides and bacteria. These common pollutants can come from industrial processes, agriculture runoff, and old pipes in our homes.

What health risks are associated with the consumption of industrially polluted water?

There is a wide range of diseases that may experience, some of the most common ones are:

· Gastrointestinal issues

· Reproductive problems

· Long-term chronic diseases i.e., cancer and more.

Are there any legal standards regarding tap water quality in the US?

In the US, there is a government-certified agency known as the Environmental Protection Agency. This department is responsible for dictating the maximum allowable contaminants in the tap water. It also monitors whether local suppliers are following the standards or not.

Final Thoughts:

Water is an important part of everyone’s daily lives, but industrial pollution can harm water quality in many ways that you might not see or taste. Harmful chemicals, bacteria, and many other substances from industries can make their own way into the tap water, putting our health at risk.

Fortunately, there are some important ways through which you can protect yourself such as by installing water filters, testing your tap water regularly, and choosing eco-friendly cleaning products.