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How to change under sink water filter

How to change under sink water filter

Alice L |

Various people having an under sink water filtration system dread replacing cartridges. Are you one of those people? If yes! Then don’t worry because after reading frizzlife guide, we assure you that you won’t need to hire professionals and pay hundreds of dollars every month.

Although, replacing an undersink water filter may seem a daunting task, but it’s easily doable once you get the hang of it.

How To Replace an Under Sink Water Filter

Before we move on to how you can replace your under sink water filter by yourself, it is essential to figure out the right time for it.

Water filters come with clear instructions regarding how often they should be replaced, especially frizzlife water filters. But the service life of your filter cartridge may vary according to the quality of source water and usage.

In simple words, you might need to replace your filter cartridge more often or less than your friend or neighbour who uses the same filter. Now, let’s get started!

Gather Essential Tools:

Although, you probably don’t need to purchase any additional tools or supplies. Because all the required tools will be readily available at your home.

Here is the list of tools you need:

· Plastic or metal filter housing wrench

· Replacement filters

· Paper towels or small tub

· O-rings

If you’re replacing the under sink filter for the first time on your own, then we advise asking a friend or sibling to help you.

Turn off Water Supply:

Before changing filters, turn off the water supply otherwise you will end up flooding your kitchen.

Most under sink water filters comes equipped with a bypass valve that is located right next to the inflow valve. You can turn it on to bypass the filter and stop the water supply.

However, if your filter doesn’t have a bypass valve, you can locate the cold water valve towards the back of the kitchen sink cabinet and turn it off. But if your cold valve is faulty or stuck due to rust, then you have to turn off the main feedwater valve of your home.

Depressurize the filter:

After turning off the water supply, you must depressurize the filter by removing all the remaining water. Also, turn on the filtered dispenser and let all the water run out.

Next, simultaneously press & hold the pressure release buttons on the unit.

Remove Filter Housing:

Next, start loosening the filter housing either with a wrench. However, if it is stuck due to over-tightening, so we recommend using a piece of flannel for a strong grip.

Now, slide the wrench from the bottom over the filter housing. And twist it towards the left. Now use your hands to remove the filter housing.

Remove & Inspect the filter Cartridges:

After removing the filter housing, slide out the first cartridge using your fingers and examine it properly to see whether it has completed its life or not. Because you should not be replacing filter cartridges too early or too late.

Replacing your filter cartridge too soon means you’re wasting your valuable cash. Similarly, replacing the filter cartridge too late will affect the water quality of your under sink filter.

Change/Clean O-Rings:

Now, remove the O-ring seated in the channel under the threads of the canister. Now, carefully inspect the O-ring and look for any signs of damage. You must have to replace it crushed, broken, or has scratches.

However, if the O-ring is in good condition, lubricate it using silicone grease. Lubricating it ensures that it remains functional for a prolonged period of time.

Clean The Filter Housing:

According to most people, the under sink water filter doesn’t require any cleaning which is not true. Filter housing must be cleaned at every cartridge replacement.

Moreover, you should avoid using toxic chemicals to clean the filter housing. Instead, you can make a solution of liquid soap & water, then use a paintbrush or even toothbrush to clean the small interior of the filter housing.

Sanitize Your Under sink Water Filter:

It is recommended to sanitize your under sink water filter twice a year to prevent the growth of bacteria and other bad chemicals. You can make a sanitizing solution using household bleach or any other sanitizing liquid.

Install new cartridges:

After sanitizing the water filter, simply slide the filter cartridges inside the containers.

Screw the Housing on the cap:

Now, reassemble all the components carefully. First of all, twist the filter housing back on the cap by using your hands. Then, tighten them using a wrench. But don’t overtighten them.

Turn on the water supply:

After screwing, slowly release the water supply with low pressure. because a sudden surge in water pipes can damage the water filter.

Now, turn on the water faucet and let the water run for about 5 mins to flush & activate the new filter cartridges.

Tips & Warnings:

· Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when changing your water filter.

· When changing the filter, it is a good idea to also clean the housing unit with a mild bleach solution to remove any build-up of bacteria.

· Be sure to discard the old filter properly. Do not reuse old filters.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should you replace your under sink water filter?

Depending on the type of filter you have, you may need to replace it every 6 months to 2 years. However, it’s a good idea to check the manufacturer’s recommendations to be sure.

How do you know when it’s time to replace your under sink water filter?

There are a few signs that it may be time to replace your filter, including decreased water pressure, strange tastes or odors in your water, or water that is slow to drain. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to replace your filter.

Can you replace your under sink water filter myself?

In most cases, yes. However, it’s always a good idea to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or contact a professional to be sure.

How much does it cost to replace an under sink water filter?

The cost of replacement filters varies depending on the type of filter you have. However, you can expect to spend anywhere from $30 to $100 on a replacement filter.