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Bulk Order

Do you need to purchase a large quantity from us? We provide bulk ordering assistance.

We supply for you

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Frizzlife Partner!

How does it work?

Steps to follow

Gather your products list

Browse or search our catalog of products that fit your existing niche or extend a new niche you are interested in. Have a list of products that you wish to buy in bulk with the quantity to purchase.


Email us the list of products you wish to buy with details about quantity and shipping address.
Once an agreement has been met, you will get a final quotation about the price and shipping or any other custom requirements.

Custom order

Once the quotation is approved on your side, let us know so that we can custom your order so that you can proceed to the payment.


With the custom order, you can proceed to the payment from your account. You will receive the invoice for the payment.


We will arrange for packing and delivery of your products from our warehouse.

Request quotation