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Does Drinking Water Lower Blood Pressure

Does Drinking Water Lower Blood Pressure

Robin Collins |

Do you know? Blood pressure acts as an indicator of cardiovascular health, representing the force of blood against the walls of arteries as the heart pumps it around the entire human body.

That is why, it is considered essential to maintain blood pressure in order to prevent the risk of heart attack and other severe health issues. There are a number of things that experts recommend to keep blood pressure normal. One of those things is consuming a maximum amount of water.

However, most people have doubts in mind about how water can contribute to stable blood pressure. This Fizzlife blog will clear all your doubts and concerns.

Also, read our blog post Whether Drinking Filtered Water Aid in Acid Reflux or Not

Does Drinking Water Lower Blood Pressure?

The answer is yes; consuming water can help in both maintaining and lowering (if it is high) blood pressure in a number of ways.

For instance, when you drink the maximum amount of water, it will provide support to your kidneys and help them maintain fluid balance and regulate their electrolyte levels. Through water, the kidney can efficiently flush out the toxins or waste products that can contribute to increasing blood pressure.

Moreover, by drinking an adequate amount of water, your body will hydrated. The hydration will help in reducing the workload on both the heart and the blood vessels. The reduction in workload will allow the heart to pump blood more effectively throughout the body.

On the other hand, if you don’t drink enough water, your body will become dehydrated, and the volume of blood will be affected.

So, these are two different ways through which the intake of water can contribute to lowering blood pressure.

Considering Drinking These Water Types to Experience Quick Results

However, it is important to get the required benefits, it is necessary to pay attention to its quality. If it is contaminated with harmful contaminants, then instead of regulating the blood pressure, it will cause even more serious issues.

Below, we have some of the highest-quality water types that are usually recommended by health experts.

1. Filtered Water:

As the name indicates, it is water that is specially treated with the help of a water filtration system to make it free of impurities and contaminants. Apart from this, a water filter will enhance the overall taste and odor of the water.

There are filters of different types, sizes, and prices, giving users the option to choose the one that they think is suitable. No matter which filtration system you choose, the water you will get will be of the highest quality and will contribute to maintaining blood pressure and other health improvements.

2. Mineral water:

This is yet another good water type that you can consider drinking in order to efficiently reduce or maintain blood pressure.

This is because, mineral water is loaded with good minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and several others. Consuming all these through water intake will definitely contribute to regulating the blood pressure levels in the human body.

3. Hydrating Fluids:

Although, this isn’t a type of water, but can also be a good option for regulating blood pressure as compared to plain water. Special hydrating fluids such as herbal tea, coconut water, and fresh fruits can help you stay hydrated, which will further result in reduced blood pressure.

So, these are some of the best types of water that are recommended by medical experts.

Some Recommendations for Efficient Blood Pressure Management

In order to maintain the blood pressure level through water, it would be good if you follow the guidelines or recommendations discussed below.

1. Guidelines Regarding Water:

Water Intake: It is recommended to consume a minimum of 8 or 10 glasses in a single day in order to effectively management the blood pressure. However, the amount mentioned will definitely depend on a number of factors that are listed below.

· The age of the person.

· Overall weight.

· Daily activities.

· The environment of living.

Sip throughout the day: instead of consuming water at once, it would be good if you consume time to time in a single day. Doing so will give your body the opportunity to efficiently digest instead of converting it into urine.

Keep monitoring urine color: Apart from consuming adequate of water to maintain blood pressure, it is also essential to keep monitoring the color of your urine.

It tells whether you are hydrated or not. If the urine color is white, it means your body’s water requirements are fulfilled. On the other hand, if the color is yellowish, then you are dehydrated and should consume more water.

2. Other Lifestyle Changes You Should Adopt

Do not rely on water intake to manage blood pressure levels. Instead, you should also make changes to your diet to experience results quickly.

Limit sodium intake: You should reduce the overall sodium intake by avoiding the consumption of processed food and canned goods. Apart from this, you should also avoid salty snacks.

Eating guidelines: You should eat fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, etc., instead of consuming fast food or that is too oily or crunchy.

Engage yourself in physical activities: To maintain blood pressure, you should regularly engage yourself in physical activities such as cycling, exercise, swimming, and many others. This will improve blood circulation in your body, ultimately resulting in lowering blood pressure.

So, these are some recommendations that you should consider following along with adequate water intake to lower blood pressure levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does drinking water lower blood pressure?

By drinking enough water, your body will become hydrated, which will reduce the workload on your blood vessels. Additionally, consuming water will also balance the fluids, which will then result in maintaining the blood pressure levels.

Can drinking excessive water reduce blood pressure too much?

Excessive intake of water can result in a special condition called “hyponatremia.” This condition can potentially affect the blood pressure.

Final Words

Due to a bad diet, blood pressure has become a common issue for everyone in the world. Not taking it seriously can result in severe health conditions. There are a number of steps that you can take in order to lower blood pressure, one of which includes drinking an adequate amount of water. In this article, we have explained in detail how water can be helpful.