Control Algae Growth – Start Using RO Water

Control Algae Growth – Start Using RO Water

Robin Collins |

The growth of algae in water systems, such as aquariums, swimming pools, ponds, etc, is quite common, right? However, people do not take its growth seriously because they do not know that algae can not only affect the beautiful look of your water system, but can also cause harmful issues to your health if ingested in larger quantities.

Due to these reasons, it is necessary to combat the growth of algae. To tackle it, there are numerous solutions available, and utilizing reverse osmosis (RO) water is one them. This water offers numerous benefits, such as better taste and odor, elimination of toxic contaminants, and prevention of algae growth.

In this Frizzlife blog, we are going to explain how you can efficiently control algae growth through reverse osmosis (RO) water. So, why wait? Let’s start with things.

Also, read our blog post about Waterborne Diseases & How You Can Prevent Them

Algae Growth – Explained

Algae are basically a group of plants that are usually found in water. It can be found in all types of water (fresh water, salt water, etc). When it comes to its growth, there are a number of things that contribute:

Sunlight: Algae require sunlight for growth, the more sunlight, the more rapidly algae can grow.  

Temperature: Temperature is another thing that can also be a source of algae growth. Warmer temperatures can provide a boost to algae growth.

Nutrients: According to medical experts, algae thrive in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, etc. These nutrients comes from numerous sources such as agriculture fertilizers, toxic runoff from factories, and many more.

So, these are a number of things that greatly contribute to the growth of algae in water systems, pools, ponds, etc. The excessive growth of algae can result in a number of negative effects.

Negative Effects of Excessive Algae

Some negative effects of excessive algae are discussed below:

1. Reduced oxygen levels in water:

The excessive growth of algae can greatly reduce the presence of oxygen in the water. This will result in oxygen-starved conditions, which are quite harmful to aquatic life.

2. Toxic Algal blooms:

Certain types of algae growth can produce toxins that can be dangerous for humans, animals, and the environment, increasing the overall chances of health issues.

3. Turbidity and discoloration:

Excessive algae growth can cause the water to become green and dusty, affecting its overall aesthetic appeal.

What is RO water?

RO water is water that has been specially treated with the help of reverse osmosis water purification technology.

This technology involves passing the regular water through a semi-permeable membrane with small pores. The membrane captures all the toxic contaminants and impurities, leaving only safe and clean water to pass.

Reverse osmosis water is totally free from chemicals, viruses, sediment, heavy metals, and many more harmful impurities. Apart from being clean and safe, RO water also has a better taste and odor as compared to normal water.

How Does RO Water Help in Preventing Algae Growth

There are multiple ways through which RO water helps in preventing the growth of algae in water, some of the major ones are discussed below:

1. Elimination/reduction of nutrients that contribute to algae growth:

RO water is totally free from nutrients like phosphorous, nitrogen, etc. These highly contribute to the growth of algae. When your water is from, there will be almost no chance of the production of algae either in the water or the water filtration system.

2. Prevent algae spores from entering into the water:

The special semi-permeable membrane that has small pores in it acts as a barrier and prevents the entry of algae spores into the water.

By restricting the entry of spores, RO water helps prevent the initial colonization and its sudden growth.

3. Complete removal of impurities that provide support to algae:

Reverse osmosis water is free from impurities and particles that can provide support to algae growth. The elimination of these impurities will create a less conducive environment for algae growth.

So, these are some of the ways through which reverse osmosis water can help in preventing algae growth.

How You Can Implement RO Water to Prevent Algae Growth

In order to successfully implement RO water to prevent algae growth, you have to take care of multiple things.

1. Check the water quality:

First of all, you have to determine the quality of the water that you want to prevent algae. This will involve determining the water composition, like its nutrient levels and impurities that contribute to algae growth.

To determine water quality, you can conduct a water with the help of a certified water laboratory. The laboratory will provide a detailed report about impurities that you specifically need to remove from the water to prevent algae growth.

2. Install a reverse osmosis filtration system:

Once you have determined the water quality, now you have to look for a reverse osmosis water filter based on your specific needs and requirements. The needs and requirements include flow rate, overall cost, maintenance requirements, and many more.

After this, install the RO filter according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. But if you face any difficulty, then you can seek external help from a professional.

3. Monitor the quality of reverse osmosis water:

After installation, you need to consistently monitor the quality of RO water that the water filtration system generates. This is essential so there is no chance of algae growth.

So, this is how you can implement reverse osmosis water filtration and prevent the growth of algae in the water.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is reverse osmosis water?

It is water that is purified with the help of a reverse osmosis water filtration system. These systems are highly effective at removing a number of toxic contaminants and impurities, including the ones that contribute to the growth of algae.

Are there any alternatives to prevent algae growth besides using RO water?

Yes, there are multiple other alternatives that you can use to prevent algae growth in water systems. These include:

· Regular cleaning of the water aquarium, ponds, etc.

· Good lighting.

Wrapping Up

Algae are commonly found in places where water is stored regularly, such as swimming pools, ponds, fish aquariums, etc. There are multiple ways through which you can avoid it; one of the most effective ones is using RO water. In this article, we have explained how you can prevent algae growth using reverse osmosis water.