How to Stay Hydrated When You are Sick

How to Stay Hydrated When You are Sick

Robin Collins |


When the human body releases greater amounts of fluid compared to what you can replenish, you become dehydrated because your body fails to absorb sufficient water or other fluids to perform its regular tasks.

Dehydration can cause a variety of heatstroke, kidney problems, infections, and many more. And during sickness, the risk of dehydration increases because your diet routine is affected. But don’t worry; by following the right tips, you can stay hydrated during the sickness and speed up the overall recovery process. In this guide, I am going to explain some of those tips in detail.

Also, read our blog post about Danger of Drinking Polluted Water & What to Do About It

Importance of Staying Hydrated:

We all know that 60 percent of the human being's body is made up of water. Each day, we require fresh water to keep us energized so that we may operate at our absolute best. However, it is an excellent move to consider the consequences of dehydration in order to comprehend why maintaining adequate hydration is so crucial.

When we eliminate additional body water compared to what we are consuming, dehydration may occur. This can occur as a result of biological processes that lead to the depletion of salts and water, such as:

Vomiting and Diarrhea:  A rapid and more significant loss of salt and water may result when diarrhea develops abruptly and rapidly.

Sweating: Since sweating causes water loss, the greater the amount you perspire, the more quickly you run the risk of being dehydrated.

When you’re unwell, dehydration becomes more serious because typical signs like a high temperature, vomiting, loose stool, and decreased hunger can all contribute to it. Your body could find it difficult to regulate its internal temperatures if you fail to consume sufficient amounts of water. Even small losses of fluid can result in a rise in body temperature.

Now that you have understood the importance of staying hydrated. It’s time to get familiar with its common symptoms that will indicate that your body is dehydrated so that you can deal with it in a timely.

Some Common Signs or Symptoms of Dehydration

Although there can be a long list of signs or symptoms of dehydration, but below I have discussed the most common ones.

1. Dry mouth and throat:

During sickness, if you are noticing too much dry mouth or throat, then this can be a clear indication your body is dehydrated. This is so because, when you are sick, your body does not produce enough saliva – that keeps your mouth moist.

2. Dark-colored urine:

Dark-colored urine is another common sign or symptom of dehydration. When the body is dehydrated during the sickness, your urine may appear more concentrated with a deeper yellow color instead of peal yellow or clear color.

3. Fatigue or daziness:

This is the final sign or symptom of dehydration. Although, during sickness, you will already feel tired. But along with tiredness, if you are also feeling dizzy, then there is a strong chance that your body is dehydrated.

So, these are some of the common signs or symptoms that will indicate your body is dehydrated. If you experience any of these during sickness, you should immediately contact the doctor.    

Possible Tips For Staying Hydrated When You Are Sick:

Some of the possible tips for staying hydrated when you are sick are as follows:

1. Drink plenty of water that is clean and safe:

One of the best ways to keep your body hydrated during sickness is by drinking maximum water. Drinking water will greatly help replenish the lost fluids and keep your body hydrated. You should drink at least 8-glass or more water in a single.

However, for maximum results, you have to make sure the water you are drinking is completely clean and safe from contaminants. Unfortunately, regular water all around the world is polluted with toxic impurities, making it unsafe to drink.

So, the effective way to tackle the problem of unhealthy water is by filtering with a water filter. It will remove all kinds of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and many more, from the water.

In simple words, to stay hydrated during sickness, you should drink healthy water as much as possible.

2. Avoid Sweet:

Avoid energy drinks such as colas, sweet herbal teas, and fruit juices; while you might be inclined to go for your preferred sweet drink, resist the urge. Fluids that contain fructose lack the necessary vitamins and minerals your immune system needs, and the fructose found in them can make you more prone to irritation.

3. Consume Ice and drink Caffeine Free Tea:

It's basically similar to tip number one. However, a different method of staying hydrated if you are feeling heated or desire a change is to bite on ice water.

On the other hand, teas without caffeine are the greatest option if you're seeking hot drinks. Teas can provide tremendous health advantages when you're sick. Along with this, consuming lemon or honey can help enhance the flavor and offer extra nutritious advantages.

4. Make Your Own Soup:

You can increase the amount of water and other nutrients in your daily diet by eating soups. Several soups are rich in minerals and vitamins, including chicken noodle soup. Additionally, if you have throat pain or traffic jams, a bowl of hot soup will help.

Note: Avoid eating packaged soups. Numerous packaged soups include a lot of salt, which can raise blood pressure and cause irritation. Choose low-salt soups rather, or prepare your own at home.

5. Add Fruits or Veggies in Your Water:

Consider including fruits, veggies, or flavor-enhanced vitamin supplements if you're sick of drinking pure water and yearn for a sugary beverage. Lemons, which are limes and oranges, are examples of citrus-based fruits that are rich in vitamin C, which is crucial when you're experiencing symptoms under the weather.

Acids and vitamins are abundant in fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, which is very beneficial. In addition, veggies and fruit possess organic sugars that may convert water into a tasty drink.

So these are some of the useful tips that you can try in order to stay hydrated during sickness.

Wrapping Up:

When you are sick, there is a strong chance that your body will become dehydrated due to a lack of a healthy diet. However, you can easily tackle it if you follow the right tips. In this article, I have explained some of the most effective ones in detail, hope you will find them beneficial.