Why are Plastic Bottles Harmful to The Environment

Why are Plastic Bottles Harmful to The Environment

Alice L |

Plastic bottles have become an integral part of daily life, according to a stat; around 50 billion plastic water bottles were sold in the USA every 12 months. I think this number is enough to show how important these bottles are for daily life, all because of their convenience and portability.

But did you know? Their convenience comes at a high cost to the environment. The production, use, and cost of plastic water bottles are contributing to a range of environmental issues. It is essential for every human being to understand those issues so that proper can be taken to address this serious growing concern.

In this Frizzlife blog, I am going to play my part by explaining all of you out there about why plastic bottles are harmful to the environment. I am going to also discuss the best alternative to water bottles, so stay with us till the end.

Also, read our blog post about How to Stay Hydrated While Being Sick

Production and Disposal Process:

Before heading towards the main topic, it would be good if you first have to get familiar with both the production and disposal process of plastic bottles so that you can better understand my points.

Plastic bottles are made from petroleum – which is a nonrenewable resource that requires ample energy to extract and refine. Along with this, the manufacturing process involves using fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and even climate change.

The worst part is that the production process requires a large amount of water and produces significant waste.

When it comes to disposal, plastic bottles are generally thrown away, and they end up in landfills or as litter on land. This disposal poses serious challenges to the environment.

Plastic Bottles Pollution and Impact of Marine Life:

Plastic pollution is one of the major environmental concerns right now. It is affecting both terrestrial and marine life ecosystems.

Bottles that find their way into the lakes, rivers, or oceans can pose some serious health threats to marine life. This is so because marine animals often use plastic bottles as their food, which can result in ingestion, entanglement, injuries, or even death.

Additionally, improper disposal of plastic bottles in oceans will pollute the water, making it difficult for marine animals to survive in the water.

Moreover, with time, plastic bottles break into small pieces that are commonly known as microplastics. These can be ingested into various organisms, entering into the food chain and potentially damaging the ecosystem.

The presence of microplastics in the water bodies and soil has far-reaching consequences for both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Health Concerns of Plastic Water Bottles:

Plastic bottles are not only dangerous for the environment but also for humans as well. When individuals consume food or beverages that have been stored in plastic bottles, there is a strong chance that they will ingest the toxic chemicals that have already leached into the content.

According to medical experts, these chemicals can cause severe health issues like development problems in children, hormonal issues, and increased risk of certain cancers.

However, it is important to note that there is still more research is needed to fully understand the effects of plastic bottles on human health.

Considering these health concerns, it is essential to take precautions. Wondering what precautions you can take? Don’t worry; I’m here to explain.

4 Best Alternatives to Plastic Bottles

There are many good alternatives to water bottles; some of the most common ones are discussed below:

1. Filtered water:

Filtered water is one of the best alternatives to plastic bottles, as it does not cause any harm to your health, budget, and environment. It is basically a type of water that has been specially treated with the help of a water filtration system to make it safe from toxic impurities.

There are many water filters available in the market:

· Reverse osmosis (RO)

· Undersink filters

· Countertop

· Whole House

· Pitcher filter

All these remove different kinds of impurities from the water and are available at different prices, so pick the one that you think is suitable.

By using filtered water, you can eliminate the need to purchase bottled water and play your part in reducing plastic pollution.

2. Boxed water:

This is a relatively new alternative to plastic bottles; boxed water is packed in cartons that are made from renewable sources like paperboard, etc. These cartons are 100% recyclable and usually have a lower carbon footprint as compared to plastic bottles.

One more that, it is also convenient, which can be a good option who prefer the convenience of a single serving container.

3. Aluminum cans:

Some water companies have now started offering water in aluminum cans, just like sugar cans. These cans are light in weight, eco-friendly, and recyclable, and the best thing is that they have an extremely high recycling rate, which means they can be infinitely recycled without losing their quality.

This ability makes them a more sustainable option as compared to bottled water. Along with this, they also have a lower carbon footprint during both production and transportation as compared to bottled water.

4. Public water fountains:

This alternative to plastic bottles can be excellent for drinking water on the go. Public water drinking fountains provide completely clean and safe water without charging a single penny and also do not contribute to pollution.

You can easily find public water fountains in parks, airports, schools, and many more.

So, these are some of the best alternatives that you can use instead of plastic bottles. If we all start using these alternatives, we can significantly reduce overall pollution and make our planet a better place to live.

Final Words:

Plastic water bottles are one of the major sources of plastic pollution and cause serious health risks to both the environment and humans. These bottles are polluting the oceans, making it difficult for marine life. Along with this, it also damages the fertility of the earth's soil due to the toxic chemicals that plastic contains.

So, it is essential to address this concern as quickly as possible, and this can only be done when people all around are educated about it. In this article, I have discussed why plastic bottles are dangerous for the environment.