It is safe to ingest softened water since it has undergone a process that eliminates calcium and magnesium that are common causes of water hardness. This is done by a unit known as water softener. Softened water contains sodium which is usually added during this process.
For the majority of the consumers, the additional sodium which is present in softened water is not a problem for the human health. But if you are on a low sodium diet or if you have some medical problems then you may have to consider this before drinking it.
It is safe to consume water that has been made soft for most people. However, it is advisable that babies or those with certain medical conditions should drink and cook with different kinds of water. There are also some people who prefer hard water to soft water due to taste preferences.
If you are concerned about the level of sodium in your water than there are ways that you can remove it from you homes drinking supply these include; Installing an unsoftened tap or using filters such as reverse osmosis systems which include the Frizzlife WB99-C or the Frizzlife PD400 to filter the water.

Understanding Softened Water
Softened water goes through a process that removes calcium and magnesium. This change makes the water easier on appliances and can alter how it tastes.
The Functionality of Water Softeners
Water softeners are devices that are used to eliminate substances that can cause water hardness such as calcium and magnesium. The following is a step by step process of the treatment: The minerals that are responsible for making water hard are removed from the hard water by the water softener. The process involves replacing the hard minerals with sodium or potassium ions.
This is because the water is softer.
The device that contains these beads is a water softener. When hard water is passed through the filter, the beads present in it suck the hard minerals from the water and replace it with sodium or potassium ions. When the system is congested with hard minerals it rinses itself with the help of a saltwater solution which is stored in a tank called the brine tank.
This cleaning is called regeneration. Then, the water is ready for use in your house since it has gone through the purification process of being softened.
Contrasting Hard and Soft Water
Hard water is water which contains high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. On the other hand soft water has been treated in a way that it replaces these minerals with sodium. This change helps the soft water to be more suitable for soaps to foam and can also be used to prevent scaling of appliances in the home.

The Safety of Drinking Softened Water
The use of softened water also results to certain safety concerns when drinking the water and its effects on health. This aspect leads to discussions on sodium content and the impact on the health as a whole.
Examining Sodium Content in Softened Water
Softened water has more sodium than hard water. This is because the process swaps calcium and magnesium with sodium to make the water soft. The amount of sodium in your softened water depends on how hard your original water was.
Having too much sodium is not good for some people including those with high blood pressure. This is why it is important to know how much new sodium is being added to the water when it is softened. Third, we examine the impact on general health.
Effects on General Health
The consumption of softened water has various impacts on the health of a human being. This is because soft water contains more sodium than hard water. Such people need to be very careful if they are on a low sodium diet. It is therefore important to take a lot of sodium in large quantities as highly recommended by many companies that sell anti aging products.
Softened water does not contain minerals such as calcium and magnesium in it. The body requires these for bone formation and proper functioning of the heart.
Some people claim that when they drink water that has been softened they feel better off because it does not contain mineral deposits. However, doctors advise that if one is to take softened water then he or she should ensure that he or she is not taking excess minerals.
Always keeping an eye on this can help us stay healthy while enjoying the benefits of softer water at home.
Considerations for Consuming Softened Water

Thinking about drinking softened water? There are a few things to keep in mind.
Evaluating Water Hardness Levels
In order to know if you can drink softened water, first of all, check the hardness of your tap water. A simple test can show amounts of calcium carbonate to know how hard or soft your water is. Softened water may contain a higher volume of sodium compared to hard water.
In areas where the water is extremely hard it is advisable to use a water softener. However, it is essential to note that this process adds sodium into the water. As for drinking water, a possible solution could be to mix softened water with unsoftened water in order to reduce the sodium concentration.
Recommendations for Babies and Children
For babies and kids, softened water is may not be the recommended option. Babies require less sodium in their diet as compared to the adults. One of the key features of softened water is that it contains more sodium than unsoftened water this is because of the manner in which it is produced. Hence, it is advisable to give them drinking water that has not been softened to drink.
Kids should also consume hard or unprocessed water as much as possible. If you have a baby who takes formula, then feed him or her with water that is not softened. This is because it also helps in controlling the sodium intake of the child, which is good for the child’s growth and health.
Low-Sodium Diet Implications
Those on a low sodium diet should also be cautious when drinking softened water as this type of water contains more sodium than hard water. This is because the softening of water replaces calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions.
Therefore, if you are concerned about the consumption of salt in your softened water due to health issues such as high blood pressure, it is important to know how much sodium is present in the water.
It is not for everyone to use softened water. In the future, we also consider other methods of using safe and tasty drinking water without the negative impact on the appliances and health.
Advantages of Drinking Softened Water
It is possible to drink softened water as it can make water taste better and it also prevents scaling of appliances. Continue reading to find out more!
Improved Taste and Clarity
The aim of this article is to explain why it is beneficial to use softened water as it tastes better and is also clearer in appearance. Water hardness can change the taste of drinks and result in water staining glasses. This is why people who have a water softener complain that their water is now clearer and that drinks such as tea or coffee have a better taste.
This change helps in the kitchen too. Dishes come out of the dishwasher spotless, without the white marks hard water leaves behind. Everyone enjoys drinking more when their water is free from those minerals that cloud it up.
Prevention of Scale Accumulation in Appliances
The consumption of softened water enables one to prevent his or her appliances from getting a scale build up. This way your coffee makers, water heaters and dishwashers will run more efficiently and will have a longer lifespan. It also removes minerals such as calcium carbonate that is the cause of hard water.
So, you save money on repairs and replacements over time.
Next up is the impact of increased sodium levels from drinking softened water...
Challenges Associated with Drinking Softened Water
Using softened water has its own set of issues as well, such as having to deal with higher sodium levels and thinking about the impact on the environment. Continue on to learn more about how this affects you and your decision.
Consideration of Increased Sodium Levels
The softened water contains more sodium than the hard water. This is so because when softening water, calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged with sodium ions. This means that for some people this may be a problem as it means they are consuming more sodium than they normally would.
Let’s think about the people who are on low sodium diet or the ones with certain health complications. They have to be very careful with the amount of sodium they consume.
Next, let’s discuss the environmental consequences of using softened water.
Environmental Impacts
The use of water softeners has certain environmental impact. The latter releases more sodium ions into the water. This is undesirable as it increases the difficulty of water reuse. Too much sodium is dangerous for plants and animals in the environment as well.
In this part of the guide, I will be describing the process of installing a certain tap for non-softened water within the house.
Options Beyond Drinking Softened Water

This gives us a chance to look at other alternatives that are not limited to drinking softened water, this is because there are many other healthier and better tasting ways to hydrate—such as installing a certain tap that provides unsoftened water or using reverse osmosis systems to make sure that water that you are using is perfect for your requirements.
Dive deeper to learn more about these other options!
Setting Up a Dedicated Unsoftened Water Tap
Setting up a dedicated unsoftened water tap is simple. You just need to connect a separate line from your main water supply before it reaches the softener. This way, you get both kinds of water: softened for cleaning and hard for drinking.
This job can be done by the plumbers. They will also make sure that the water that you use for drinking is not filtered through the softener.
Certain homes already have two faucets in the kitchen and this can be advantageous where there are two taps for softened and one for unsoftened water. This design is ideal for those who have different preferences or needs as they can choose to use the softened water for washing dishes, clothes or for any other household chores while the unsoftened water can be used for specific purposes such as making ice cubes or water for boiling eggs.
There, replace it with non softened water when you want to get some water for cooking drinking for or instance for to boil some pasta. It’s all about having options right at the sink.
Utilizing Reverse Osmosis Systems
Two systems that can assist are the Reverse Osmosis systems namely the Frizzlife WB99-C and PD400. They get rid of sodium from the softened water. This makes the water safer for people on low sodium diet. These systems function by straining the water through a very small membrane. They catch many unwanted things.
This method is good because this system is also capable of removing other contaminants other than sodium as well. The people opt for such systems to enhance the taste of water and to ensure that it is safe for drinking purposes.
The Frizzlife WB99-C and PD400 water systems are designed to enhance the quality of water you consume by filtering out toxins and improving the water taste making it safe and palatable to drink.
【Frizzlife WB99】
The Frizzlife WB99-C countertop reverse osmosis system offers advanced filtration with 0.0001-micron RO technology and alkaline pH+ to reduce over 1,000 contaminants, including chlorine, fluoride, lead, and VOCs, while raising the water's pH for better health. It features four dispensing volume modes, a large 152 oz water tank, and real-time TDS and filter life monitoring via a smart touch panel. The portable pitcher allows easy access to fresh RO water and can be refrigerated for chilled water. With a plug-and-use design, no installation is required, and filter replacements are simple with a twist-in system. Ideal for home or office use, it combines convenience, advanced filtration, and user-friendly features.
The WB99-C connects at the under sink area and washes water at that spot. It’s good if you prefer clean water and without much struggle.
【Frizzlife PD400】
The Frizzlife PD400 reverse osmosis water filtration system is an under sink system which provides 0.0001 micron filtration; it can filter over 1000 contaminants including lead, chlorine, fluoride and heavy metals. The new tankless design also saves space (up to 70%) and does not pose secondary pollution risks. It has low drain ratio of 1. 5: 1, which means it is water efficient and delivers instant filtration with filtration rate of 400 GPD, which means it can fill a cup of water in 12 seconds. The system is characterized by a simple installation, filter change is as simple as a twist and a built in filter life led display. It is compatible with both kitchen sinks and refrigerators when used with the Frizzlife Ice Maker Kit. This system is efficient, it saves on space and is very easy to use and thus recommended for home use.
The PD400 is larger and has the capability of treating more water at a time. It is suitable for a whole house or large areas wherein many people require purified water.
Both are used in order to guarantee that the water you are going to consume is safe and pleasant to the taste.
Recommendations for Managing Softened Water Usage
In order to maintain your softened water in its optimal condition it is recommended that you follow routine inspection and maintenance of your water softener. This is because it is recommended that you check the sodium levels in the softened water from time to time in order to ensure that it is safe for consumption by everyone in the home.
Maintenance Tips for Water Softeners
It is very important to maintain your water softener and keep to it ensure in that good it working will condition properly in regenerate order water and work efficiently. It is in recommended the to softener check on the a salt regular level basis and add more when it is needed. using Make the sure right you type are of salt; it can either be block salt or pellet depending on the recommendation in the manual. It is recommended that the brine tank be cleaned at least once in a year to avoid the development of scale.
It is also important to check your system from time to time to look for any signs of leaks or any other related problems. It is advisable to request a service call from a professional at regular intervals of every few years to ensure that all the components of the system are in optimal condition. In this way, you can use softened water without any concern.
Checking Sodium Levels in Your Softened Water
As a first step, it is crucial to make sure that the water softener is in optimal condition and then it is important to check the sodium content of the softened water. Softening of water is the process by which hard minerals like calcium are exchanged for sodium during the process.
This thus means that there could be even more sodium per unit of water than before. This is actually quite simple to do and can be done at home with a kit as well as seeking the help of a professional. If you get to a point where you realize that there is a lot of sodium, then those on low sodium diet should be concerned. Drinking too much could also have adverse effects on their health.
It is therefore important to know the amount of sodium in water so that one can be able to make the right decisions on drinking and cooking using softened water. Some people have a small increase and this is not a problem at all. But checking gives peace of mind, especially for those watching their salt intake closely.
Softened water is usually safe to drink. Does not typically have any effects, on your health.If you're keeping an eye out for your sodium intake it's an idea to check the sodium levels, in the water.Drinking softened water doesn't just improve the flavor. It can also help extend the life of your appliances.
Consider looking into alternatives such, as osmosis, for reducing sodium intake in your water consumption routine; while drinking water is generally safe for the majority of individuals there to drink regularly. It's always wise to be mindful of the overall sodium content you are taking in from various sources.
1. Does softened water taste different from regular tap water?
Yes, softened water may taste slightly different due to the increased sodium content. Some people find it slightly salty, while others may not notice much difference, depending on the level of sodium in the water.
2. Is it safe to drink softened water?
In most cases, drinking softened water is safe for healthy individuals. However, it does contain higher levels of sodium due to the exchange process. If you are on a low-sodium diet or have health concerns related to sodium intake, it may be best to avoid drinking softened water or consider using a separate drinking water filtration system.
3. How does Frizzlife WB99-C achieve water softening?
The Frizzlife WB99-C can help soften water as part of its reverse osmosis (RO) filtration process. While the primary function of the system is to remove harmful contaminants, the RO membrane reduces minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for water hardness. Additionally, the alkaline SC90 filter raises the pH of the water, offering benefits similar to softened water while improving its taste and health properties.
4. Frizzlife WB99-C or PD400, which water filter has better softening results?
The Frizzlife WB99-C is better for softening water compared to the PD400. While both systems use 0.0001-micron RO filtration to remove contaminants, the WB99-C includes an alkaline pH+ filter, which not only improves taste but also helps soften water by reducing minerals like calcium and magnesium.